A Comedy Sci-Fi Podcast

The Astonishing Adventures of the S.S. Bad Ship is an actual play podcast using the Scum and Villainy system that’s inspired by old-school Saturday morning cartoons and sc-fi anime.

Join April Raygun as Barry the Muscle, Caleb Zane Huett as CL4RK the Mechanic, Derick Marchel as Jet Set-Radio the Scoundrel, and Samm Star as Saraya the Speaker. GMed and edited by Joel Ruiz.

April Raygun as Barry the Muscle.

Barry is a jackalope without a home but has found his place amongst this crew as their enforcer and muscle. Barry may look like a cute little guy, because they are, but don’t let that fool you. They have a short fuse and will do anything for a chance to pull out their flamethrower or gore someone with their horns.

Caleb Zane Huett as CL4RK

CL4RK is a repurposed Hegemony lingustics robot who has found himself on the planet of Kiah far away from the rule of the Hegemony. While search for directives, he found himself joining up with a crew he thought had two high-ranking Hegemony members in to make sure he continued his mission of uploading the will of the Hegemony. Little did he know, he accidentally joined a crew of rogues and crooks.

Derick Marchel as Jet Set-Radio

Jet Set-Radio is a member of the Scammers Guild and has found himself in the ranks of the top three scammers in the world, at least at one point he did. Using his wit and charm, Jet Set-Radio can talk himself into trouble no matter where he ends up.

Samm Star as Saraya the Speaker

Saraya is an ex-politician who still holds many of her ties to the Hegemony for her own personal game. You’ll never find her without a drink or her next conquest too far away. The smartest of the group, but still not a hard thing to beat when your companions can barely keep themselves alive.